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We are questionable storytellers fuelled by nonsense who craft without expertise to take the piss so
others can laugh

Experts in telling tall tales down the pub

We spin yarns and tell shaggy dog stories. We regularly try to test our ideas at universities and we like to think we get our ideas across before being escorted off the property by Security. We want to get published and have high hopes of getting an article done by Rustler Magazine. (Reader’s Wives Special no. 6).

1-Time Razzie Award Nominee - 1998 (Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-off or Sequel Category)

We love gossip and will travel the land to hear it. Our film will be shown once in a back street theatre in the North of England. Probably.

Reckless & Irresponsible Numptys

We imitate other peoples solutions and pass them off as our own. Amazingly this has worked in many venues around the UK. We got an invitation to teach at one 3rd tier regional college. Which was nice of them. The Lowest of Stakes process is still a mystery.

Our Belief

We deliberately do not reveal our intentions as some sly bastard will try to rob us. So here are 5 misleading Keywords to make you think we care and to keep the marketing department happy. We based some of them on Astrology.


We work at the intersection of Junction 21 on the M1. It’s noisier than you think.


We start in the middle of the story and make it up as we go.


We did it for a laugh. Seriously these fuckers need taking down a peg or two.


We tried to tell a story but it ended up going on a lot of tangents following a web of lies.


We tell stories that are barely good enough so we can take your money.

Meet the team

Look at our Keywords and realise what an utter waste of time that was.

Lucky Bastard and alleged Scammer. Not much is known about this man, probably because he had done very little of note until recently. Why he is the star of this movie is beyond us. He still eats off-brand Pot Noodles and is proud of it.

Hexy Bastard

The "Talent"

  • Gritty

  • Perspiring

  • Lazy

  • Uncouth

  • Hat

Emerging from the Scottish wilderness and barely comprehensible. His transformation into the suave sophisticated gentleman is nothing short of miraculous.

Moomin Man

Bounder, Cad & Reprobate

  • Dangerously

  • Confident

  • Seriously

  • Don’t

  • Approach

Winner of the sexiest voice 1993 Bognor Regis competition (regionals). Beware this man! As an
opportunist businessman, he uses his wily charm to scam bored housewives out of their Giro Cheques. We are not ashamed to say this is how we funded this film.

Creamy Dan

Director, Editor and Scoundrel

  • Conceited

  • Persuasive

  • Desirable

  • Persistent

  • DTF

Not to be confused with the eminent Dr Hexologist, He is horrendously overqualified to be seen amongst these degenerates. His appearance on “The Highest of Stakes” was seen by him to be the lowest point of his career… until now.


Editor, Cameraman & 3rd Hand

  • Unwillingness

  • Dispirited

  • Repugnance

  • Magnanimous

  • Fatigued

No-one was more surprised to be featured in the film “The Highest of Stakes” than this man. His
eloquence is a thin veneer over the absolute nonsense he spouts. Don’t be taken in, he really hasn’t got a clue.


Producer, Cameraman &  Tea maker

  • Unfocused

  • 3

  • Word

  • Sentence

  • Lorem ipsum

He makes Flashy Videos

for money. He absolutely fleeced us.


Website Editor & token Gen-Z 

  • Naïve

  • But

  • Still

  • Gets

  • Paid

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